Monday, December 20, 2010

Silent Mountain

Silent Mountain

Look I down from this frozen mountain, silent.  Into the valley below the road that winds, quiet.  Where be this place that man exists not; nor any sign of life.  Yet all is at peace atop this frozen mountain.  Winds be the music; the color of the cold.  Would that life be so peaceful, as is this mountain.  Can one help but see the beauty of the silence....
Inspired by Carrie
© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Mark
    I love this, if only more would stop and look around them, then they to would feel the peace in the silence
    Take care

  2. This is beautiful! Enjoyed it very much.

  3. If feels good to once again write of the light....

  4. Happy New Year Mark, sorry I took so long to get here. Been having some problems with my back and computer. Had to stay away for a few weeks. As always your words echo what I see. Thank you again my dear friend for adding your touch of what my photos inspire in you. Hugs Carrie
