Tuesday, December 14, 2010



What is this that causes a man to give his life such a violent end. To be trained in the art of war in defense of our nation. To protect others from those who would oppress them. Only to find death at his hand pulling. Oh tell me if you can why does this happen; what does he hear that causes him not to fear. Is it enough then to say then; that he cares for others more than he for himself.
So what is said of these men and women that harms' way is their choice, yet they wish to live. They seek not fame, money or glory, rather God, country, duty follow them. The music they hear most can not, for only the soul of a volunteer can hear these notes. Played on these strings which is the mighty heart.
Sad tis true when one such as they, pay with their life to save another. No pause have they, or thought of what will happen, nor what will not. No fear of what be left not done or what will come tomorrow. Their inner self speaks of danger, but that voice not heard.Many tears be shed on that flag which lay above this which is the mighty heart. Words be spoken of courage and valor, these great deeds by the few for the many. Yet is this enough to speak now of them, we pay our respect to parents and to perhaps their kids, we give this medal to these the fallen heroes. But yet the greatest gift was already given by those that gave up their lives that others shall live. To us was given their Medal of Honor and we forever will remember how they paid for us.
 Dedicated to the men and women of armed forces of the United States of America
© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul