Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Bird’s Song

Life what be this thing we are brought into.  Are we just flesh and blood; or be it that all there is that which happiness brings.  It be said that what we seek, has and will be forever beyond that which has already been ordained    Yet we still believe that in us live that which be lives unchained.  When we ourselves carry the weight of our chains till our last breath taken.  Such be the simple things sight unseen; still we seek that which is not ours.  See you not  the beauty of the birds in flight, do they seek more.  Yet they go about their life in the blink of an eye; never knowing of their chains.  The beauty of the flower that stirs the soul.  It’s path chosen by that which be ordained.  But to what end the flower seeks but to live and bring its beauty.  Still we seek that which be not our path.  Given, yet not the achievement we seek.  Yet if we do not search what be the prize; a life free from hardship and pain.  Be it then we seek what the flower brings, and the bird’s song…

© 2012 Words the Windows to the Soul…