Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Whisper Comes

In the dead of night the anger, fear,and rage bursts forth; never really knowing why these are brought to me.  Yet inside my soul lay the answer buried; as are those that bring their anger.  Be this then the reason that they come.  Or be it that their words I can not hear.  Still in that secret place, they find me.  Yet out of the sleep of the dead I find no fear, nor any answers; yet I feel theirs. What is this feeling that I must join them; yet they turn away in the darkness; as the whisper comes.  

©2011 Words the Window to the Soul

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Vows Broken

Vows Broken

Who can tell why or how one is blessed, while the other feels the searing pain of the blessing.  Young children ask why; yet there be no answers for them.  They too suffer the pain and sorrow.  Still they be to young to know why they feel this horrible pain.  To them all that is be confusion.  In that which is the joy of the blessing; can one feel blessed.   Or be it just pain of the others who suffer.  Blameless are these young ones, brought into the world with love of vows promised.  Yet be these young ones that suffer; when the love that made them, breaks.   Oh cry out the sadness when the blessing of the vows taken; brings the pain and sadness of Vows Broken

©2011 Word the Windows to the Soul....