Monday, July 25, 2011

The Veil Removed.

The Veil Removed

The darkness of solitude in that which be the abyss of despair; covered with a veil that no light may be seen.  Yet forget not your courage and seek that which be the freedom of the veil removed.  What is sought in this darkened place, or be it just shapeless figures of the mind.  Let not your heart and soul be darkened; for within be the power to reason and escape.  Beware the sadness of those whose strength would hold you.  For this be not your task; rip the veil.  Be it  then. those who would hold you can be saved should they wish it.  What be this this then that rips the veil.  Perhaps an idea, or be it just a new path.  Wish it not and locked in the darkness of solitude you will suffer many deaths.  Take the new path provided; or grasp hold of the new idea for within lay the power, and the light so bright.  Then you will know truly the veil is removed...

©2011 Words the Windows to the Soul.....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The mind of the warrior

The Mind of the Warrior 

Be the spelling of these words important; or does it matter not at all.  What be that  I do know that the mind is different.  We each fight our demons in our own way; yet the the demon be the same. Yes as many of the great poets I  too war in the mind.  Knowing not what or who I am; nor what time of day it is.  Yet to fight ever onward towards what; the warrior's soul seeks peace and yet we can not find if.  Be it the death at the hands of those who are before us; or do we just  select who shall be the one.  Be that which be the many; or just the one. For are we not as dead men waiting.  Our swords be shared and yet this be not enough.  Becomes there a time when we just give up to that which never wavers.. How do we as simple men decide this. To give up all in surrender of that which be more powerful. Or do we fight ever onward until that which is the mind of the warrior, decides that which be the final battle is won or lost...

©2011Words the Windows to the Soul


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Darkness Defeated

   Darkness Defeated

The mind be a dark place; when the monsters come. There are times when life looks back at you; be that when you ask what was it for; have I come to that crossroad.  Be it that my mind has deserted me; or be it that the time has come. As the sun in the morning rises, are there no answers; just another day of that which be the darkness.  Where is this place we sit and wonder; be this that which be called life.  Or be this just the darkness of the mind; where the terror hides.  Still we rise to our feet, once more to face this unending battle.  Life or death be this the only path.  Yet if we do not rise up, have we made our choice; or be it that the choice is not ours to make.  One wonders be this the mystery of life; that we no not when death comes.  If this be so then be it, like the sun; our hands can not stay the coming.  What of our will then; wherein lay our strength.  Be the monster defeated there.  Oh hear me now; matters not that the darkness surrounds; for what lay within can not be defeated.  Let the light of your soul smash the darkness, let not your heart be troubled.  For against the light of faith and hope nothing can stand.  So rise up and good be the fight with darkness defeated...

©2011 Words the Windows to the Soul