Saturday, November 19, 2011

Man's Power.

Man's Power

What drives a man to seek such a task in the Autumn of his life. Be this which be the power of his soul; or the Light that guides him.  Bemoan we do of our life's path; yet to weather any storm we call upon that which provides the Light that guides us. Be it greatness we seek; or be it the power in his soul that will not surrender.  Down these lonely highways with only two wheels and our legs that move us.  Our body speaks wracked with the pain; of that which be the path chosen.  Yet the power of the soul ever onward moves us.  The Light of the soul; man's power will not yield... 

©2011 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Mark,
    this come from your soul, man dose what he need to do, sometime it just little things but they make a difference and some time it some thing big, that will make people stop and think, and look around than and say this need to change,
    great poem
    take care

  2. ... never surrender ... no matter what ... Love always, cat

  3. When you feel strong lead, knowing that your strength will help others. Inspiring words.
