Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Start New

Start New

Drink not of this cup my friends; my solemn prayer for thee. Should you find this path that I now take. For this path be filled with pain. I will be leaving everything I hold dear behind. What is this plan, must this be His will; to be driven into that desert, alone. Oh weep I not if swift death comes. Yet this be not the reason of the sorrow. My mind is filled with words; yet the answer eludes. Where is this place that I be bound. Woe unto those that must walk with me, alone. For in this desert begins a start new. The unknown brings its loneliness; as it was the past is now the new day. The danger real, yet fear I not to feel; ask not of the warning but heed it. As the new sun comes and kills the stars, so to the start new. Still I must walk into this which be unknown; for what lay behind is dead. Therein lay the sorrow of what was and that which will be the start new...

© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Very sad poem. Have a lovely day my friend.
    Hugs Lady Jude

  2. New Start is a powerful poem Mark, it say what many dont like to see, but it also make us look at the other side, what is to come and what it will being in to our lives, be it good or bad
    As always this has come from your soul Mark
