Thursday, December 16, 2010

His Mighty Light

His Mighty Light
The flower’s blossom wilts, when the frost brings the chill.  In the mist of the morning the sun gives life back. The flower’s blossom lives again. When the darkness of the soul; as the coldness of despair brings chilling frost. The coming of the sun with the brilliant light will again bring life. Hear me now these words I give thee. Fear not sadness, nor the darkness of the soul. As the stars in the heavens; give way to the sun. So to the light with the power of the Almighty heals. This the blackest darkness can not hold; against that which be His Mighty Light...

© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Mark, The Light given is within and in that grace one is of the All forever and eternal.
    As ever be well, my friend

  2. I love these words...thank you, my friend. Blessed be.
