When death looks at you there be but two choices, as the lion roars. Put to death that which would be the lion; or become the food of the hunter, as the lion roars. Like the wind as it howls its warning of that which be the coming of the storm I will kill this lion but be this act terrible, as I may also die. The wind and the lion be different yet they are the same; what be it they seek. Yet both are free to do what they will; " The lion knows where home is, the wind never will." Be we as the lion; or be it as the wind that goes on forever with no home. Yet the wind with with the fury bring the desolation; as the earth has become as the sand. The lion finds nothing to silence the pain of hunger. The wind hears not the plea, it's endless journey where the lion finds its end, the Lion's Roar now silent; so to the quite, of the wind....
Quote Taken from the movie "The Wind and the Lion"
© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul
The wind and the lion...oh, boy, Mark...they are the same, and yet so different. I think, I understand. Restless together...for ever... Love, cat.