Saturday, December 18, 2010

Spirit Lost

Spirit Lost

Weep I no longer for the young soldier. His blood stains the sand; like oil upon the water, yet I forget him not. How can one not weep at the sight of life gone, as his eyes no longer have the light. Did you see not his pain, nor his sorrow as the end came to him. Be it possible that man’s cruelty has hardened our hearts. Woe be to us that see not; nor feel that which be death real.  Or be it that we too are dead in the soul.  Be this why our minds and hearts be sick; that we see not, nor feel the death of a soul.  Oh the anguish of a spirit lost. Still a young soldier is without life. I do weep for his loss; and for those who can not see; nor feel the pain of the spirit lost.

For an America Soldier brought home to rest
©2010 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Mark
    we will always remember them, and we will always remember what they have done for us and what those who have come home have done for us.
    Take care
