Sunday, October 3, 2010

Word's Battlefield

Word's Battlefield

Bleeding soul be the battle that we face,
this battlefield be real; of this be there no doubt.
 As the words come as bullets that brings the blood 
Oh fools can you see not the pain; to a light most brilliant.
Saw you not the damage, that which this battlefield brings. 
Fought with words most cruel; ,passions' fire all be extinguished.
For what be the need of passion;to the spirit that lay darkened.
 Cry out the pain, the wounded soul now empty.
in this darkness where the light dimmed;
on this the battlefield of words

©Words the Windows to the Soul 2010


  1. Great to see you writing and posting again, my brother. You know I have your six, just as I know you have mine.

  2. It feels good to once again hold the pen. Just don't bury me in the "Tank" would cost way to much....lOL...
    Peace Bro

  3. Mark
    It good to see the words again,
    Never put the pen down Mark as the words always come from your soul
    Take care
