Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Boy

My Boy 

Softly resting in these arms surrounding; feel the strength of their protection.  Be at peace, for there is none to harm you save the Almighty.  Yes I know and feel the pain, your eyes speak to those which can hear you.  Sleep now my friend, and fear not for I shall not leave you; nor you I, for to lose you would be more than I could bear and the Almighty will not allow this hideous affliction to take our embrace away.  Your love for me and mine for you, with the smile of your eyes is all I need; to bring that which be the hope of life.  Still some will sing your death song with loud voices; yet my voice will be silent.  Still you will hear my heart as I do yours and here we shall find each other.  So fear not my boy, as the fight engaged and you will never be alone…

For Tracy
© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul


  1. Mark
    this is beautiful, words full of love and hope
    wonderful poem
    Take care

  2. Sounds like someone has a battle ahead of them. Someone very young. I am sure your words will bring hope. Hugs Carrie
