Saturday, October 2, 2010



I walk along this endless beach without care or want.  For what I need is that which be next to me, walking.  On this beach the waves kiss the sand.  As is the touch of her soft hand against my brow ever present, as are the waves.

On this beach we sometimes for hours not a word do we speak.
Just our thoughts together, hands not needed, for it was our hearts that touched.  Her whispers like waves of emotion, yet the sand be as it was not spoken, not even a grain of sand be moved by her touch gentle.

It be not the words that cause the step to quicken just be the thought of her, on the sand with me walking.  Be this not enough to stop, to pause this pace quickened.  Yet the walk shall not end nor do I walk on without her.

As the years pass nothing stands, as we move forward on this beach.  Though some have tried to cause the sand to move away and part these hands.  They know not of what we shared or our walk together.  For they saw not the power, or what lay hidden by her hand against my brow.

For inside me without her gentle hand, what lay there buried.
One should not wish to see or feel this which be
  the darkness without end.


Words the windows to the Soul ©
All rights reserved M.A. Hansche © 2009


  1. Mark
    This is Beautiful, word from your heart
    Take care

  2. Thank you for posting the link to this blog, as always your words are beautiful
    Peace to you Mark

  3. Hello and welcome, Brother! Just added you to my feed reader so I'll be sure to find each new post you publish.

  4. Very touching Mark.. So soft.. Well I found you. I haven't been to spaces much and was at my site slowing deleting stuff and was going thru my Guest book deleting everything and there you were. I am sooo glad you are here Mark and we can continue to stay connected. I have 2 blogs here. God Garden of Nature with nature photos with thought, poems and quote and A Window to My World which is about life at the ranch. Anyway you can find them on my profile page just by clicking on my name here. I am so happy to see you here... Hugs Carrie
