Friday, October 1, 2010

Bright New World

What be this bright new world; like a eagle learning to fly.  Or be it like a child in the forest; not knowing which path be his own.  Yet I will learn to walk, perhaps to fly in this bright new world.  Confusion, as I know not the language; nor how to use the tools given.  Still the eagle knows not how to use his wings until the first flight.  And the child be like the eagle until he learns to read the signs.  So here I am on the first day of the journey; wonder do I will a hand appear, a guide, or perhaps a teacher.  Time as it passes will be my answer.  Be this then my welcome to you to my window; which are the words the windows to the soul.



  1. Mark
    You can do this, you have done many things in your life and this is just one more step along the road,welcome to my page Mark and happy blogging to you
    Take care

  2. So much to learn, I wonder can this old JarHead learn this. We shall see

  3. This JarHead can do anything he put his mind too,
    Take care

  4. I love your 1st entry here. It is so light and lyrical..
