Tuesday, November 23, 2010

True Wisdom

True Wisdom
As early morn brings the light, so that our eyes might see.  Sit I here and wonder be knowledge present; or be it that we lack the understanding of that which be morning’s light.  How will wisdom present itself to us, lacking that which be knowledge.  How can I just, a simple man feel another's pain; or have the wisdom to see their anguish.  As the sun looks to their soul, be not then my shame to feel not that which is real.  For stand I in the brightness for this early morn; and I see, feel, and hear that which be the hunger.  This thirst of these the helpless: whose hunger, cries unheard.  Be it day or the darkness of night.  What kind of man would I be with the knowledge; yet not to share it.  Yes one could avoid the pain, made deaf and sightless by my own fear, and turn away.  Hear now these words I give thee.  Should you turn knowledge unused and heed not the pain; nor the cries of the helpless, this be your shame.  You shall never know of thy failure; nor will you ever possess true wisdom…

 ©2010 Words the Windows to the Soul...

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