The fire that is vengeance burns, brightly; yet to the soul the darkness comes. As that which consumes all leaves nothing to light the soul. Yet we seek that which brings pain to the heart; with a soul in darkness. Our mind feels the heart's pain; still we look for that which we shall see only in the mind. Oh great the sadness, and loss of life be this to much to bear. The memories of what was; shall not be seen, nor remembered; for that which brightly burns. Let the tears of remembrance kill vengeance' fire; that once again your soul shall see. So too with hearts pain; like the coming of the sun warmth, healing. Still sadness yes, but the memories shall forever be yours; again in the fields running; only here the joy is felt by the mind not troubled by heart's pain. Lush be these green fields where again you run in that which be the sun's light. Never again to know the heat that vengeance brings...
For Chip
© 2010 Words the Windows to the Soul